Season 1 Champs Recap & Battle Tips

Season 1 Champs Recap & Battle Tips

Dear Readers,

Cosmic Champs is making wakes in the NFT arena. The Cosmic Champs closed beta period was available for a brief period and users had the chance to provide some fantastic feedback  The closed beta will be opening up again here soon and hopefully those that didn't get an opportunity to play will have the chance to do so with the iOS version that's coming soon.

We all had fun playing the closed beta and it was great to see our favorite Cosmic Champs duke it out on the front line. After getting a taste of the Cosmic Champs closed beta I felt it would be appropriate to go over a recap of the Cosmic Champs roster and provide some tips to help you succeed in the future.

If you are already familiar with the Season 1 Champs see "Tips For Success:" at the end of each segment for some helpful tips.

Tertius III:

Tertius III A.K.A. "Tertius" is specialized in short range weapons systems and is known for xys brute force by getting up close and personal by swinging xys blunt appendages comprised of tritanium at its targets. When you see one of Tertius' limbs coming your way you'd better duck or back up quickly, as xe's always going for a knockout!

Brief Back Story: 

Tertius III is a battle ready robot constructed by Heavy Industries star date : IXCCXXVII | v. The rumor goes; Tertius III, an acclaimed battle-bot, once exterminated an entire race of huminoidal apes for the Galactic Confederacy in the Blood Bath of IXCCXXIX | vii on the surface of The Red Planet, Christmas Day. Or so we are told...

Tips for success:

Tertius III is a group unit, due to his low hit points and high movement speed it is best to send him after sending in a tank like "Cybi & Rose" or "Hammerdroid".

Since Tertius III has a high rate of attack he is effective at taking down Cybi quite well with a tank unit soaking the aggro.  The same can be said for ranged units like "Triggerman" & "Cyote Ray"; without a tank Tertius III will fall quickly to the ranged units.

Tertius III is also a great response to an incoming "Ram Racer".

WARNING:  Avoid sending Tertius III to xys death when facing a Hammerdroid. Due to Hammerdroid having a Melee Range AOE attack Tertius gets wiped off the map quickly.


Heliotron A.K.A. "Helio" is specialized in long range weapons systems and is known best for xyr accuracy due to the advanced lasers fitted in xyr optical lens. Once xyr laser is charged and ready to fire many run in fear as most weapons systems are single shot, semi-automatic, or burst fire at best. Watch out! as the burst from this robot is fully automatic. 

Brief Back Story:

A battle-robot constructed by Heavy Industries star date: IXCCXXVII | vi. Heliotron had been field tested on countless field exercises and numerous missions, earning many commendations from Heavy Industries and the Galactic Federation.  Heliotron a well renowned chip baron and subject matter expert in chip harvesting, is also the last of the gendered robots. Heliotron is on a mission to procure xyr missing bits from Lord Fallus, head of the Galactic Confederacy, Commander and Chief of the Robotic Legion of replicants and many battle ready robots.

Tips For Success:

Heliotron is a best if placed behind all other units. If you can keep Helio alive it is quite possible to have two, three, even four Heliotron units on the battlefield.

One strategy is to burn low cost units to get as many Heliotron units on the battlefield as possible.

Helio is also effective at taking on Coyote 1 to 1 due to Heliotron having a longer range of attack.


Cybi and Rose A.K.A "Cybi" are specialized in holding the line and her fans boast about her sheer resilience and devastating blasts from Rose's plasma cannon.  At times it can take an entire army to take down Cybi  due her massive health pool thanks to the fine craftsmanship of Rose's dense exterior and  Cybi's determination to be number one. If you hear Rose charging up her plasma cannon you better brace for impact as the blasts hit like a truck!

Brief Backstory:

Cybi and her older brother Zeth were adopted as children on the Planet 3452 Vishakha III. Zeth has always been Cybi's biggest hero, for excelling in the Elite Young Warriors Program, and her biggest pain. Cybi and her mech Rose are best known for wining an exclusive spot in the Elite Young Warriors Program after winning grueling series of arena battles against her peers. Following in the foot steps of her brother Zeth, Cybi left her parents, brother, and home behind for the Galactic Federation Training Camp.

Tips for Success:

Cybi is best placed on the front lines.  This way she can soak damage and hold aggro of your opponents so your smaller units have a chance at survival.

Cybi is best paired with ranged units like Trig, Coyote, and Heliotron. This way they can apply damage from a far and keep Cybi alive.

If you find yourself battling Cybi vs Cybi and your oppennents ranged units are focusted on your Cybi. You can send a Tertius III to take the other Cybi down quickly. She is even rather effective at taking on a lone Hammerdroid.


Hammer Droid A.K.A "Hammer" is specialized in close range combat.  Hammer is best known for swinging his arms in a circular motion by twisting at the waist with a relentless AoE attack.  When fighting Hammer if he lift his arms it may already be to late; because anything that is is his radius will be met with a force that they have never seen before. 

Brief Back Story:

Hammer Droid is an ensouled mech constructed by the Heavy Industries guild. Inside of him are the souls of three ancient "wise ones," once uploaded to the metaverse, and now tuned into one via the Singularity Frequency.  Quiet, thoughtful and seemingly slow, Hammer Droid has a lot going on inside that he doesn't show. Hammer Droid has known for some time that change was coming to the megaverse, but in what form? Perhaps a little out of character, Hammerdroid wanted to feel what it was like to be young again — and deleted many of his ancient memories before upgrading into this new mech.

Tips For Success:

Hammer Droid is a sufficient tank. So he is best placed on the front lines of the battlefield.

Hammer Droid is great for getting in up close and personal with a cluster of ranged units or a blob of units such as Invin and Tertius III due to his Melee Ranged AoE attack the more the merrier,

I have found success in sending in an Invin ahead of Hammer Droid to soak up some damage while Hammer Droid travels to his targets.

Hammer does not appear to have as much hitpoints as Cybi at this point in the current build so definitely watch out for ranged units as they can take him down with ease if not escorted with other units.



Invin Tangerine Technoid A.K.A "Invin" is a ensouled mech, like his counterpart Hammer Droid.  Invin is specialized in close range combat.  Wielding his trusty beam sword Invin hacks and slashes his way across the arena.  Don't be fooled by his size for this little robot is known to come out of a close range battle victorious.

Brief Back Story:

Invin, although lean, and tangerine, has memories stretching back thousands of years — both his, and the prototypal personas who contributed to his electronic brain. He’s at the service of the Galactic Federation but will never be completely aligned with them. His allegiance is only to the other Heavy Industry members who originated in the same way as him. Despite feeling himself stretch far back in time across many versions of himself, he still has a desire to explore the entire megaverse and to live on the edge of what’s possible for a droid by defending, protecting, serving, and fighting. How much further can a droid evolve?

Tips For Success:

Invin is most effective at chopping down ranged with a tank soaking the ranged fire of your opponent.

Invin is also fairy effective chopping down tanky units. He has a decent health pool but you will want to use a tank unit like Cybi or Hammerdroid to draw the aggro from him to keep him alive.

Invin is also a great defense against an incoming Ram.

In a state of emergency and you find a blob of ranged units at your base you can deploy Invin if you don't have enough energy for a Hammer Droid.


Ranger Coyote Ray A.K.A "Coyote" is a marksmen of the highest caliber. Coyote is specialized in ranged combat and due to her field experience she rarely misses her target.  If you wind up facing off with Coyote Ray, odds are you will, duck for cover or hide behind a burly friend as a barrage of blasts from her plasma rifle are coming your way.

Brief Back Story:

Ranger Coyote Ray is one of the Golden Darlings of the Galactic Federation — born into ease, peace, and comfort, and a cushy job for life if wanted. Coyote and her sister have been trained in the peaceful arts necessary to maintain the balance of power and energy in the universe so that no one planet or being can take power. Coyote knows she can do a lot more than she does, but she walks a fine balance, here to protect the ultimate freedom of the beings of the Galactic Federation — and that means letting people have the freedom to choose.

Tips For Success:

Coyote is best suited for the back lines of your forces. Place a Cybi or a Hammer Droid in front of her and watch her whittle down your opponents.

Coyote is effective in destroying light units such as Tertius III and Ram by herself.

If you can get two Coyotes on the field they are a force to be reckoned with.


Gunslinger Triggerman A.K.A "Trig" is an alien sharpshooter aligned with the guild Misfits and Mercs; not only this he is also the slickest gun this side of the galaxy. Trig specializes in short ranged combat with his trusty projection gun which hits multiple targets at once. If you face off with a Trig while running into battle you better keep you allies at a distance or else you risk turning into fodder.

Brief Back Story: 

Gunslinger Triggerman grew up on the backstreets of 2541 Punarvasu IV. Even though the galactic federation aims to be a universal galaxy of peace, there are people and places that slip through the cracks, and not everything is fair. He learnt to fend for himself from a young age, throwing stones to defend himself and his young friends, which is how those who know him well gave him the nickname “Grendediar.” He prefers to be known by his name, Gunslinger Triggerman, which he hopes strikes fear and a healthy respect for keeping their distance from those that come across him. To survive on the streets, he learnt levitating small objects as a trick, and he levitates his projectile discs compulsively to stay calm.

Tips For Success:

Trig is best suited paired up with a Hammer Droid; the combination of Trig's Multi Target attack and Hammer Droid's AoE attack makes for an explosive combination.

Since Trig has high movement speed it is best to place a tank unit before placing Trig. You may want to give the tank some time to travel ahead before placing Trig.


Salamander Ram Racer A.K.A. "Ram" is a special class of champ who is in a league of his own. Ram is specialized in structure demolition; he speeds across the arena quickly on his speedster and rushes strait for the opponents base. In the heat of battle, don't blink, or you may find a Ram laying waste to your defenses.

Brief Back Story:

Salamander Ram Racer is a pilot for hire, shuttling merchant cargo faster than the speed of light around the megaverse. He hasn’t seen his home planet since he wasn’t much bigger than a tadpole. But if you need someone to pilot a space craft into the furthest, farthest reaches of the megaverse and not ask any questions, he’s your guy. Ram is on a merchant mission when he loses touch with his next port of call. Rather than stay lost in space, he hones in on a battle ship of the Galactic Federation — just his luck. Ram wouldn’t mind settling down and saying goodbye to the life of a space jockey. 

Tips For Success:

One strategy is to focus your units on one side of the battlefield, to lure your opponent into doing the same.  Then sneak a Ram on the opposite side to blast a hole on their defenses.

Ram can also be used to speed past units that are caught up in battle and smash the enemy base.

I have found some success sending a Invin, Hammer, or Cybi in on the opposing lane where your opponent isn't focused waiting for it to get 75% of the way to their base then sending Ram so the first unit can soak damage while Ram hits the base.

I just want to say it was a blast to play Cosmic Champs with the community overall. We had some great matches and good laughs winning and losing against each other.  I want to shout out to @SunTzu, @Cosmix, @Jetropolis, and yes even @Kay for putting up their dukes and showing their stripes on the battlefield.

Don't be a greedy beaver, comment below your favorite Cosmic Champs tips and share with the community.
